Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 1, 2013

New Year.  Christmas was amazing.  I had 2 Christmas miracles.  Ken stopped drinking and Dan started going to church.  It just doesn't get any better than that.  If I never have another Christmas, this one was the last one I would have wanted.  Perfectly timed by the Lord.  Our prayers may seem to go into the wind and disappear, but God hears every one.  

Spiritually, I am the strongest I have ever been, and I hope every day of the rest of my life I can say just that.  I am spiritually stronger than ever.  Nothing else matters in my life but my service to the Lord and his people.  Little miracles happen all around me.  They always have, but I was too busy looking for what I wanted in life to notice.  Not any more!  

This year, I will stay in tune with my God and no matter how small I must become, I will live for God in my entirety.  Life is so calm, serene and beautiful.  All I need is love.  God is love.  All I need is God.

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